Nomination Christiaan Huygens Science Award 2014 for Stefan Wijnholds

Stefan Wijnholds, working as a researcher at ASTRON, has been nominated for the Christiaan Huygens Science Award 2014. This prize is awarded annually to a researcher who made a major contribution to science with his or her dissertation in the last five years and in which he/she kept in mind the social relevance of the research. This year, main research area was Information and Communication Technology. Stefan was one of four nominees for his thesis entitled 'Fish-Eye Observing with Phase Array Radio Telescopes' for which he graduated cum laude in 2010. The jury was impressed by the large number of peer-reviewed publications of which Stefan author or co-author is; already having over thousand citations.

Published by the editorial team, 1 July 2014

The festive ceremony for the Christiaan Huygens Award 2014 took place in the Oude Kerk in Voorburg. A varied program was presented, including Dr Ton Engbersen, scientific director DOME ASTRON & IBM Center for Exascale Technology, a cooperation between ASTRON and IBM. In the interview of the NRC editor with the nominees, Stefan mentioned the unique position of ASTRON in radio astronomy. At the end of the evening Dr. Jet Bussemaker, Minister of Education, handed the award (a bronze statue of Christiaan Huygens and 10.000 euros) to the winner Bart Jansen for his thesis 'The Power of Data Reduction: Kernels for Fundamental Graph Problems'.

Photo's: Martine Siemens


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