ASTRON boosts performance of the LOFAR radio telescope with a new GPU-cluster

We have successfully replaced the GPU-cluster of the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR).

Star formation may be halted by cold ionised hydrogen

For the first time ionised hydrogen has been detected at the lowest frequency ever towards the centre of our Galaxy.

SKA Assembly, Integration and Verification (AIV) Consortium completes planning work

The international engineering consortium tasked with planning the AIV of the SKA has formally completed its work in another important engineering step towards construction of the telescope.

Wim van Cappellen wint Vederprijs

De Vederprijs gaat dit jaar naar Wim van Cappellen van ASTRON, het Nederlands Instituut voor Radioastronomie, voor zijn werk aan het Apertif-ontvangstsysteem van de Westerbork Synthese Radio Telescoop.

Galaxy clusters caught at first kiss

For the first time, astronomers have found two giant clusters of galaxies that are just about to collide.

Astronomers observe the ‘smoking gun’ of an orphan gamma-ray burst afterglow

Astronomers have found the ‘smoking gun’ of an ‘orphan’ gamma-ray burst afterglow. Gamma-ray bursts are brief, intense flashes of gamma-rays that are difficult to detect.

Self-learning machines hunt for explosions in the Universe

The National Science Agenda has awarded a 5 million euro grant to CORTEX – the Center for Optimal, Real-Time Machine Studies of the Explosive Universe.

Cosmic aurora lights up the connection between two galaxy clusters

For the first time ever, a stream of magnetic fields and relativistic electrons along a filament that connects the clusters of galaxies Abell 0399 and Abell 0401 has been identified.

Large spiral galaxies very efficient at producing stars

Large spiral galaxies, such as our neighbour the Andromeda Galaxy, leave virtually no gas or dust particles unused during the formation of stars.

ASTRON opent eerste Open Science Hub in Dwingeloo

ASTRON, het Nederlands instituut voor radioastronomie, heeft samen met de Rabobank Het Drentse Land en de gemeente Westerveld de eerste Open Science Hub in Drenthe geopend.

SKA Science Data Processor consortium concludes work

The SKA’s SDP consortium has concluded its engineering design work, marking the end of five years’ work to design one of two supercomputers that will process the enormous amounts of data produced by the SKA’s telescopes.

Why lightning often strikes twice

New study reveals needle-like structures in positively charged lightning leaders

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