How does a radio wave become a picture? Part II: Compact receivers

With the help of radio telescopes, we can look into space by capturing radio signals from the universe.

Test wind turbine near LOFAR meets agreed radio emission norms

The test turbine of wind farm “Drentse Monden en Oostermoer” meets the reduction of electromagnetic radiation as agreed in a covenant on the co-existence of a wind farm near the core of the LOFAR radio telescope.

A repeating Fast Radio Burst from a spiral galaxy deepens the mystery of where these signals originate from

Telescopes in the European VLBI Network (EVN) have observed a repeating Fast Radio Burst (FRB) in a spiral galaxy similar to our own.

How does a radio wave become a picture?

Planets, stars and nebula’s all emit radio waves, which are a form of invisible light waves.

Nederlandse antennes uitgerold achter de maan

De drie antennes van de Nederlands-Chinese radiotelescoop die achter de maan hangt, zijn uitgerold.

Nederlandse onderzoekers offeren telescooptijd voor blik op eerste interstellaire komeet

Een team van Poolse en Nederlandse onderzoekers publiceert vandaag, maandag 14 oktober, de eerste details over een komeet die van buiten ons zonnestelsel lijkt te komen.

The Netherlands to host the premier conference on data analysis software and systems for astronomy

The 29th edition of the ADASS conference will be held for the first time in the Netherlands at MartiniPlaza in Groningen between 6-10 October.

Zes sterrenstelsels ontdekt met amper donkere materie

Een internationaal team sterrenkundigen onder leiding van Pavel Mancera Piña heeft zes lichtzwakke dwergsterrenstelsels ontdekt die amper donkere materie bevatten.

Royal couple visits ASTRON

On 18 September 2019 the Royal couple visited ASTRON and the Dwingeloo Telescope as part of their 'Streekbezoek' to the province of Drenthe.

Cosmic polar researchers map neutron stars

Scientists have for the first time succeeded in determining the topography of both magnetic poles of a neutron star.

The Netherlands is first to ratify participation in the construction of the world's largest radio telescope

The SKA Observatory has taken an important step forward thanks to the ratification of the SKA Observatory Convention by the parliament of the Netherlands.

Radio Astronomy driving new competences and innovation on the European scale

LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) is the world’s largest and most sensitive low frequency radio telescope.

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