10 years of LOFAR highlights: Infographic - Interference detection and Dysco

This infographic explains how LOFAR treats data collected by its stations.

10 years of LOFAR highlights: RSP boards make sure beamforming is possible

LOFAR is the first radio telescope of its size, wherein tens of thousands of small antenna elements are used instead of a few big dishes, as was more common in radio astronomy. All these antennas generate enormous amounts of data 24/7.

10 years of LOFAR highlights: Why lightning often strikes twice

Although the saying goes ‘lightning never strikes the same place twice’, in fact it often does. Why it does so however, has long remained a mystery, but in 2019 a team of scientists led by the University of Groningen (RUG) used LOFAR to shed light on this matter.

Institutes and NWO release 29 million for shared computing power for physicists and astronomers

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) will invest 12 million euros in FuSE: an initiative of research institutes Nikhef and ASTRON to ensure future data capacity exists for science in particle physics and radio astronomy.

Measures coronavirus

In line with the advice from the Dutch government, the management of ASTRON and JIVE has decided to take measures to minimise the risk of coronavirus infection.

International consortium tasked with designing SKA-Low antennas completes work

The international engineering consortium tasked with designing the SKA-low has completed its work after six years of international collaboration.

Two ERC Advanced Grants for Dutch astronomers

Two Dutch astronomers each receive an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).

Westerbork telescoop legt eerste kosmische radioflitsen vast

In Westerbork is in 2019 de upgrade van één van de snelste en meeste gevoelige radiotelescopen ter wereld voltooid.

LOFAR images cosmic radio monsters

Pareidolia is a tendency that pushes humans to see shapes in clouds or faces in inanimate objects.

Help to find the location of newly discovered black holes in the LOFAR Radio Galaxy Zoo project

Scientists are asking for the public’s help to find the origin of hundreds of thousands of galaxies that have been discovered by the largest radio telescope ever built: LOFAR.

Jason Hessels receives Vici grant to localise Fast Radio Bursts

Jason Hessels has been awarded an NWO Vici grant for his project entitled "AstroFlash: probing the extremes of the Universe at high time and spatial resolution''.

LOFAR pioneers new way to study exoplanet environments

Using the Dutch-led Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) radio telescope, astronomers have discovered unusual radio waves coming from the nearby red dwarf star GJ1151.

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