Dutch school teacher stars in American comic

The story of the discovery of 'Hanny's Voorwerp' has been made into an American comic book.

NEXPReS to further advanced computing and networking for astronomy use

The European Commission has awarded the NEXPReS 3.5 million euros to advance data transfer, buffering, storage and distributed computing technologies.

‘Citizen scientists’ discover new pulsar in Arecibo telescope data

Three citizen scientists - a German and an American couple - have discovered a new radio pulsar hidden in data gathered by the Arecibo Observatory.

Two Rubicon awards for astronomy researchers

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded 31 young, promising scientists funding from the Rubicon programme.

Unravelling the mystery of Hanny’s Voorwerp

A group of researchers have made new, high resolution radio observations of the region of space around Hanny's Voorwerp.

Call for expressions of interest for Apertif surveys

ASTRON invites the world-wide community to submit Expressions of Interest to define, prepare and perform large survey programmes with Apertif.

ASTRON is working together with Australia and South Africa on SKA

ASTRON has signed two separate bi-lateral statements of intent with the SKA South Africa Project and Australia's CSIRO.

Queen opens new LOFAR telescope in Drenthe

The world's largest radio telescope LOFAR was officially launched on Saturday June 12th by Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands during a special ceremony.

Astronomical world top meets in Drenthe, the Netherlands

Scientists and engineers from all over the world in the field of radio astronomy meet each other from 9 to 16 June in conference centre the Hof van Saksen.

Details in the Structure of a distant Quasar

First high-resolution image from the LOFAR radio telescope array

Dutch high school students operate Australian telescope from Drenthe

This Friday 28 May, 22 high school students from Emmeloord, the Netherlands, visit ASTRON to do observations with the Parkes radio telescope in Australia.

New lease of life for the Westerbork telescope

NWO grant for an innovative radio camera

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