LOFAR makes deeper images of Universe than ever before

A team led by astronomers at ASTRON and the Kapteyn Institute have used LOFAR to make the deepest wide-field images in the spectrum around 150 MHz.

LOFAR takes the pulse of the radio sky

A powerful new telescope designed and built by ASTRON is allowing an international team of scientists to have their "best-ever look" at pulsars.

New monitoring facility ready for European navigation system

On Wednesday 6 April, ASTRON will demonstrate the first qualified monitoring facility for the Galileo navigation system to TAS-I and ESA.

Radio telescope gets double vision

ASTRON has demonstrated the ability to multi-task astronomical observations by pointing one telescope in two completely different directions simultaneously.

C'est magnifique: LOFAR goes multi-national

The signals from antenna stations of LOFAR have been simultaneously combined together in the LOFAR BlueGene/P supercomputer.

Dutch school teacher reveals Hubble images

Dutch school teacher reveals Hubble Speace Telescope images of Hanny's voorwerp, a space oddity

ASTRON astronomer Marijke Haverkorn winner of the National Science Quiz 2010!

ASTRON astronomer Marijke Haverkorn winner of the National Science Quiz 2010!

ASTRON astronomer competes in National Science Quiz 2010

Marijke Haverkorn is competing in the 17th edition of the National Science Quiz with two other scientists on Sunday 26 December against a team of journalists.

Astronomers over the moon about Apertif!

Astronomers at ASTRON have demonstrated the feasibility of a new receiver technology that will have a great impact on radio astronomy.

Astronomers discover most massive neutron star yet known

Astronomers using the GBT have discovered the most massive neutron star yet found, a discovery with strong and wide-ranging impacts across several fields of physics and astrophysics.

Open Day 2010 big success

The Open Day 2010 of ASTRON, JIVE and the NOVA Optical/Infrared group at ASTRON, held on Sunday 24 October at the Westerbork telescope, was a big success.

The most distant galaxy ever measured

A European team of astronomers using ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) has measured the distance to the most remote galaxy so far.

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