Dr. Elizabeth Adams receives Women In Science Excel (WISE) position

Today, dr. Elizabeth Adams has been awarded a position in the NWO programme Women In Science Excel (WISE). This was the first round of the programme. The tenure track programme provides talented female scientists an opportunity to develop or expand their own research group at a NWO institute, in this case ASTRON.

Published by the editorial team, 19 January 2017

Dr. Adams was selected, among other reasons, for her remarkably high research impact in her career until now. Her research proposal is ambitious and fits perfectly within ASTRON. She will study the smallest galaxies, especially their gas content, to learn both about the processes that govern star formation and the nature of dark matter. To do this dr. Adams will use Apertif, a new instrument for the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope.

"I study the smallest galaxies because they hold clues to answering some of the largest questions about galaxy formation and the nature of dark matter. By studying the distribution and velocity motions of the gas, I can measure the underlying dark matter halo of the smallest galaxies and compare to theoretical predictions. I can also understand the processes that control the formation of these galaxies by relating the gas, the raw fuel out of which stars form, to the stellar population," says dr. Adams.

ASTRON and NWO put great efforts into improving the gender diversity among the research staff. Women are still under-represented in the upper echelons of science. WISE contributes directly to attracting top female researchers and promoting their advancement.

About WISE

With attention to guidance and the appropriate facilities, the WISE program provides talented national and international researchers a nice career to a permanent position in one of the NWO research institutes. The tenure track positions target young female researchers who have obtained their PhD preferably at least three years ago. Successful candidates will be offered a tenure track position (five years) at the institute of their choice. Following a successful tenure track, fellows will receive a tenured position at the same institute.


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