ASTRON recognises and protects diversity as the key against discrimination

ASTRON is an international research organisation that is committed to achieving a fair and welcoming work environment for all. This commitment is clearly expressed in the Dwingeloo code of conduct.

Published by the editorial team, 15 June 2020

As an institute of the Dutch Research Council (NWO), ASTRON fully endorses its statement on inclusivity.

ASTRON is committed to a program of ongoing actions to actively address any societal biases, especially racism, that lie within our institute and works with all colleagues in the Raad van de Astronomie (RvdA; Dutch Astronomy Council) to eradicate these from our astronomical community. Furthermore, ASTRON commits to an action plan to support equal engagement by all, recognising that the best science comes from inclusion, diversity and mutual respect.

ASTRON is a member of the RvdA and shares on behalf of the RvdA:

“On behalf of the Dutch astronomical community, we unequivocally condemn the brutal killings of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, and Breonna Taylor and countless others and instances of racism. We stand with the Black community because Black Lives Matter, and we affirm our unwavering support for all those affected by racism. These terrible and outrageous events in the US have once again highlighted the continued oppression and inequity that systemic and structural racism inflicts on minorities and people of colour, in particular, on Black people. Unfortunately, such racism is prevalent throughout society, in many parts of the world, including here in the Netherlands. It is the role and responsibility of each and everyone of us to ensure racism and systemic inequity have no place in our community.

We recognise that inequity and racism prohibits, damages and limits the scientific careers of individuals throughout their lives, and also deprives science of their valuable contributions. It must be acknowledged that members of our community experience bias and racism regularly, often in ways that are hidden or unrecognized by the majority of us.

We are committed to actively dismantling systemic and structural discrimination in our own community and we are preparing for the tasks ahead that must be implemented to achieve this. In addition to our recently established Code of Conduct, the committee for Equity and Inclusion in Astronomy is urgently pursuing new routes to address these issues and we will work with other communities to learn from each other. We will report back to you in the very near future with further actions to increase, support, and retain an equitable, diverse, and representative astronomical community in the Netherlands.

In the meantime, we stand in strong solidarity with our astronomy community members and everyone affected by racism and discrimination.”


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