ASTRON will participate in the ESCAPE project, that is part of the effort to build a European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The EOSC will allow universal access to scientific data through a single online platform, both for the general public and for professional researchers.

Published by the editorial team, 23 November 2018

ESCAPE (The European Science Cluster of Astronomy & particle Physics ESFRI research infrastructures) brings together 31 partners in astronomy and particle physics to collaborate on building the EOSC infrastructure. The ESCAPE actions aim at delivering solutions to ensure integration of data, tools, services and scientific software among many other things.

The EOSC will require several services and techniques. Many of those will be developed or designed by the partners in the ESCAPE project. ASTRON will lead the effort to integrate the elements in the science platform, bringing together data, experts, knowledge, compute power and users.

"Participating in this project for ASTRON is a unique opportunity to make the vast amounts of data that facilities like SKA, LOFAR and APERTIF generate more accessible and useful for our science community.  By building on the EOSC platform, we can take advantage of a large body of existing infrastructure and tools and at the same time easily bring together data from many different observatories and facilities." says Michael Wise, Head of Astronomy at ASTRON.

ESCAPE has been awarded 16 million by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme to boost the implementation of the open science cloud.

Read the official ESCAPE press release here.


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