
ASTRON is composed of three science departments and one support department. The institute is managed by our director, supervised by the Foundation Board NWO-I, and advised by our Institute Advisory Board (IAR) and the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC).


ASTRON is composed of four departments. Together with prof. Carole Jackson, general & scientific director of ASTRON, and with dr. Marco de Vos, managing director and dpt. director general of ASTRON, they form the institute's Management Team. Below you find contact details.

Astronomy Group

The Astronomy Group (AG) is engaged in frontline research ranging from the very nearby to the most distant Universe using world-class facilities. They are involved in the definition, development and scientific exploitation of current and new technology and instruments, notably ASTRON’s own facilities of LOFAR and Apertif/WSRT.

Research and Development

Our Research & Development (R&D) department handles the technical facilities to enable astronomical research.

Radio Observatory

Our Radio Observatory handles the exploitation of our telescopes, LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) and WSRT (Westerbork Synthese Radio Telescope).

General Affairs

The mission of general affairs is to provide the best possible support of daily operations. General affairs has several responsibilities. They handle the policy and its implementation.


Our team of researchers and staff contributes to the vibrant and dynamic research environment at ASTRON. You can find the contact details of our team here.

ASTRON was founded in 1950 as the “Stichting Radiostraling van Zon en Melkweg” (Foundation for Radio radiation from the Sun and Milky Way), SRZM, exploring the new window to the universe that opened with the development of radio frequency technology.

Since its earliest days the institute has sustained a world-leading reputation through innovative technological developments and high impact astronomical discoveries. In its recent 2017 Standard Evaluation Protocol (SEP) review, conducted by an international panel of experts, ASTRON received rankings of “1 = world leading” across the board.

ASTRON has its headquarters based in Dwingeloo with telescope facilities at Westerbork, the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) and the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) telescope. LOFAR consists of a core area near Exloo with a large, expanding network of antenna stations through the Netherlands and European partner countries. Today ASTRON employs about 180 personnel, including scientists, engineers and operations and support staff.

Whilst ASTRON has a centered presence in the northern NL, it operates within a highly international discipline with strong brand-identity. ASTRON has provided inspirational leadership through the period to define and design the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Telescope (1996 – 2018).

ASTRON also does business with many commercial partners. We continuously seek to maximise the use of our technologies for society and share our excitement in our discoveries with the public.

Our headquarters at Dwingeloo is a vibrant workplace and hub of expertise. ASTRON hosts the ERIC JIVE (the Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe) and the NOVA Optical/IR group.


ASTRON is part of NWO-I, the Institutes Organisation of NWO, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. NWO-I is positioned under the Executive Board of NWO.


  • Prof. Carole Jackson (General and Scientific Director)
  • Dr Marco de Vos (Managing Director and Deputy Director General)
  • Dr Gert Kruithof (Institute Manager)

Institute Advisory Board


Jozias van Aartsen


Prof. Johan Bleeker

Peter Zijlema
(GM IBM Benelux)

Prof. Iris Vis 
(Dean of Industry relations, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen)

Prof. Bart Smolders 
(Dean of Electrical Engineering Eindhoven University of Technology)

Prof. Koen Kuijken
(Leiden University, Chair Astronomy Committee NWO-ENW domain)

Prof. Thijs van der Hulst
(University of Groningen)

Wim Kuijken

Science Advisory Committe (SAC)

The Science Advisory Committee (SAC) advises the directorate on the long-term strategy and the research programme of ASTRON. The members of the SAC are leading persons from national and international organisations and institutes in the field of radio astronomy and are experts in the research areas in which ASTRON is actively involved.

SAC as of May 2019

  • Prof. Leon Koopmans (chair) (Kapteyn, University of Groningen, Netherlands)
  • Dr. Tiziana Venturi (INAF, Bologna, Italy)
  • Dr. Robert Laing (SKA Organisation, Jodrell Bank, United Kingdom)
  • Prof. Tom Heskes (Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands)
  • Dr. Daniela Huppenkothen (Univ. of Washington, Seattle, United States)
  • Prof. dr. Dominik Schwarz (Bielefeld Universität, Germany )
  • Dr. Samaya Nissanke (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)


ASTRON has three science departments and one support department:

  • Radio Observatory
  • Astronomy Group
  • Research and Development
  • General Affairs

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