Over 400 people visited the Milky Way path on Sunday 7 October. During this Weekend of Science, ASTRON, Universe Awareness, Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork and Staatsbosbeheer organised a number of activities on and around the Milky Way path and the Westerbork telescope. The activities were mainly aimed at kids, since October is also kids month in the Netherlands.

Published by the editorial team, 11 October 2012

And did we know it! A couple hundred kids showed up with their parents and looked at the stars and planets in the mobile planetarium, blew up chocolate marshmallows (and ate them), looked at the sun through the solar telescope and moved one of the Westerbork dishes by themselves. On the Milky way path they also made their own star, painted the Earth as they thought it would look like from the sky and juggled with the planets to put them in the right order.

Copyright for all images: Harm-Jan Stiepel, ASTRON. Image on top: whisper through the whisper dishes and 100 meters further your friend can hear exactly what you said!

Click on the images to make them bigger.

Kids and grown ups experiencing gravity!

Make your own star.

In the mobile planetarium visitors can make a journey through the Universe

Put the planets in the right order and win a Mars or a Milky Way.

Visitors could operate one of the dishes of the Westerbork telescope themselves. Albert-Jan Boonstra from ASTRON explained visitors about the workings of the telescope.


It was a perfect day to check out the sun from up close through the solar telescope.


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