ASTRON embeds and respects the following NWO privacy-statement.

NWO-I respects your privacy. This privacy statement outlines which personal data NWO-I gathers, how it is processed and for which purposes.

NWO-I, the Institutes Organisation of NWO, is an independent foundation that falls under the Dutch Research Council (NWO). NWO-I manages nine national research institutes: AMOLF, ARCNL, ASTRON, CWI, DIFFER, Nikhef, NIOZ, NSCR and SRON. The NWO Institutes consolidate their strengths around research questions and connect Dutch science with the international scientific community. NWO-I is the employer of the personnel from the nine institutes, the NWO-I office and the Administrative Unit for Research Groups at Universities (BUW).


Physics of functional complex matter


Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography


Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy

4. CWI

Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica


Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research

6. Nikhef

National Institute for Subatomic Physics


Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement


Netherlands Institute for Space Research


NWO-I follows the privacy policy of NWO (


NWO-I respects the privacy of researchers, employees and all other partners. Information will be kept for no longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, and will not be used for purposes that are not compatible with the original purpose. NWO-I processes personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). When processing personal data, NWO-I follows the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. As regards subsidiarity, NWO-I will consider whether the objectives served by the processing of data could also be achieved in other ways, using less personal data or using less sensitive personal data to infringe less on the privacy of the data subject(s). The processing of personal data should also be proportionate to the intended purpose. As such, NWO-I collects no more data than is required for the intended purpose.

Which personal data does NWO-I record as a rule?

NWO-I only processes personal data when it is necessary to do so for a specific purpose. The purpose determines which personal data has to be processed and no more data will be requested than is necessary for this.

Depending on the purpose, the following personal data may be processed: name, street address, town, email address, company information, gender, date of birth, bank account number and curriculum vitae.

You will be asked for your email address when you subscribe to our newsletters, for example. Thereafter, we will only use your email address for the services to which you have subscribed.

On which basis does NWO-I process personal data?

NWO-I only processes your personal data if there is a lawful basis for doing so. Depending on the purpose, personal data is processed because:

- you have given consent for this

- it is necessary in order to perform the agreement we have with you

- it is necessary in order to comply with our legal obligation

- it is necessary in order to protect your vital interests

- it is a task in the public interest

- NWO-I has a legitimate interest in this.

If NWO-I processes personal data on the basis of your consent, you always have the opportunity to withdraw your consent. From then on, NWO-I will no longer process any of your personal data.


NWO-I processes personal data in the first place with the aim of performing its statutory objectives (derived from the statutory tasks placed on NWO (as specified in Article 3 of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Act).

The purpose of the foundation is:

a. to advance excellent science and the quality of scientific research

in general;

b. to have first-class scientific research conducted in specific areas;

c. to initiate and encourage new developments in scientific research;

d. to transfer knowledge to society of the results of scientific research it has initiated, conducted and encouraged;

e. to manage its institutes.

NWO-I gathers personal data for this purpose so that the following activities can take place:

a. managing and supporting scientific research institutes independently or in conjunction with others, or other initiatives of an institutional nature;

b. facilitating and conducting scientific research both within the institutes and outside them;

c. developing policy relating to NWO-wide themes and participating in them;

d. facilitating and participating in national and international organisations and partnerships;

e. realising substantive and professional connections between the Foundation and NWO;

f. participating in, acquiring a financial interest in or managing other companies or enterprises or public-private institutional or other partnerships;

g. training researchers; especially PhD students preparing for their doctoral defence;

NWO-I also processes some of your personal data for the following purposes (depending on which activities apply to you):

- to help you and inform you about specific research issues

- to perform its role as an employer

- to gather relevant data for specific scientific research

- to communicate with you by sending electronic newsletters, emails and/or post in order to meet financial obligations

- to answer your questions through social media, by email, post or telephone

Protection of your personal data

NWO-I protects your personal data to prevent misuse of, and unauthorised access to, your personal data.

Retention period for your personal data

In principle, personal data is not retained for longer than is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which the personal data was collected. Personal data in documents covered by the Dutch Public Records Act 1995 will be stored in the manner stipulated in this Act and for as long as this Act stipulates.

Where archiving is in the public interest, for scientific or historical research or statistical purposes, personal data can be retained for a longer period. If this is relevant, NWO-I will take appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your rights in line with the GDPR.

Provision to third parties

NWO-I does not provide third parties with your data unless there is a statutory obligation or lawful basis to do so as stipulated in Article 6 of the GDPR. Whenever NWO-I provides third parties with your data, it will safeguard your privacy rights by concluding a processors agreement governing the way your personal data is to be treated.

Your data will never be sold to third parties. The Recruitment Code applies to data provided and collected through online job applications. NWO-I collects and analyses information related to using this website, such as the number of hits and the most requested pages. The purpose of collecting this general visitors’ data is to organise the website as well as possible.

Exercising your rights to privacy

Would you like to know which of your personal data NWO-I processes? You can always ask our Legal Affairs department for a statement. In it we will tell you what we use the data for, how long we retain it and what you can do if your data is not correct.

You can submit a request to NWO-I to exercise the following rights:

- The right to access your personal data

- The right to rectify and/or complete your personal data

- The right to have your personal data erased

- The right to restrict the processing of your personal data

- The right to data portability

- The right to object

- The right not to be subjected to solely automated decision-making, including profiling.

If your personal data is processed to enable archiving in the public interest, for scientific or historical research, or statistical purposes, the law places limits on your right to access your data, rectify it, restrict its processing and object. In addition, your right to data portability is also restricted when personal data is processed to enable public interest archiving. Furthermore, NWO-I’s duty to report to those involved does not necessarily apply in this context.

Questions about your privacy?

If you have any questions and/or complaints about the safeguarding of your privacy at NWO-I, you may contact the Privacy Officer at NWO-I or the institute in question.

NWO-I also has a Data Protection Officer who, together with the CISO (Corporate Information and Security Manager), forms part of the NWO-I Privacy Team. The team can be contacted at:

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